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Verbe « to fight » – Conjugaison et Traduction

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Voici comment conjuguer le verbe to fight au présent : I fight / You fight / He – She fights / We fight / You fight / They fight.

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Voici comment conjuguer le verbe to fight au présent : I fight / You fight / He – She fights / We fight / You fight / They fight.

Saviez-vous que le verbe anglais « to fight » qui signifie se battre, batailler, lutter, combattre ou escarmoucher en français est un verbe irrégulier ?

En d’autres termes, il ne suffit pas de lui insérer un « -ed » pour le conjuguer au passé. Découvrons ensemble la conjugaison de ce verbe dans tous les temps pour pouvoir l’utiliser à notre gré !

Le verbe « to fight » dans tous ses états !

Découvrez la conjugaison de ce verbe à l’indicatif, au conditionnel, à l’impératif et au subjonctif !

La conjugaison de « to fight » à l’indicatif

Comment conjuguer le verbe « to fight » au présent, au passé et au futur ?

« To fight » au présent

Vous retrouverez dans cette section la manière de conjuguer « to fight » au present simple, au present continuous, au present perfect simple et au present perfect continuous.

« To fight » au Present Simple

I fight
You fight
He/She fights
We fight
You fight
They fight

« To fight » au  Present Continuous 

I am fighting
You are fighting
He/She is fighting
We are fighting
You are fighting
They are fighting

« To fight » au  Present Perfect Simple 

I have fought
You have fought
He/She has fought
We have fought
You have fought
They have fought

« To fight » au  Present Perfect Continuous 

I have been fighting
You have been fighting
He/She has been fighting
We have been fighting
You have been fighting
They have been fighting

Voyons quelques exemple d’utilisation du verbe to fight au présent  :

Many people in the world fight against injustice.
= présent simple .

He is fighting with another student !
= present continuous.

I have fought my disease since childhood.
= present perfect simple.

This baby has been fighting his sleepiness for hours !
= present perfect continuous.

« To fight » au passé

Vous retrouverez dans cette section la manière de conjuguer « to fight » au past simple, au past continuous, au past perfect et au past perfect continuous.

« To fight » au  Past Simple 

I fought
You fought
He/She fought
We fought
You fought
They fought

« To fight » au Past Continuous 

I was fighting
You were fighting
He/She was fighting
He were fighting
You were fighting
They were fighting

« To fight » au  Past Perfect 

I had fought
You had fought
He/She had fought
We had fought
You had fought
They had fought

« To fight » au  Past Perfect Continuous 

I had been fighting
You had been fighting
He/She had been fighting
We had been fighting
You had been fighting
They had been fighting

Entraînons-nous davantage avec quelques exemples au passé :

I fought during the Vietnam War.
= past simple

I was fighting with a goose when we met for the first time.
= past continuous.

We had fought many days before reinforcements arrived.
= past perfect.

You had been fighting with this knot and you never had managed to untie it !
= past perfect continuous.

« To fight » au futur

Vous retrouverez dans cette section la manière de conjuguer « to fight » au future simple, au future continuous, au future perfect et au future perfect continuous.

« To fight » au Future Simple 

I will fight
You will fight
He/She will fight
We will fight
You will fight
They will fight

« To fight » au  Future Continuous 

I will be fighting
You will be fighting
He/She will be fighting
We will be fighting
You will be fighting
They will be fighting

« To fight » au  Future Perfect 

I will have fought
You will have fought
He/She will have fought
We will have fought
You will have fought
They will have fought

« To fight » au  Future Perfect Continuous 

I will have been fighting
You will have been fighting
He/She will have been fighting
We will have been fighting
You will have been fighting
They will have been fighting

Voyons quelques exemples au futur pour approfondir nos exercices :

You will fight a great boxer tonight !
= futur simple.

My chauffeur will be waiting at your adress.
= futur continuous.

We will have fighting before tomorrow, believe me !
= futur perfect simple.

Next month, he will have been fighting at the coliseum for exactly one year.
= futur perfect continuous.

La conjugaison de « to fight » au conditionnel

Dans cette section, nous allons apprendre la conjugaison de « to fight » aux modes « simple », « continuous », « perfect » et « perfect continuous »

« To fight » au  Conditional Simple 

I would fight
You would fight
He/She would fight
We would fight
You would fight
They would fight

« To fight » au  Conditional Continuous 

I would be fighting
You would be fighting
He/She would be fighting
We would be fighting
You would be fighting
They would be fighting

« To fight » au  Conditional Perfect 

I would have fought
You would have fought
He/She would have fought
We would have fought
You would have fought
They would have fought

« To fight » au  Conditional Perfect Continuous 

I would have been fighting
You would have been fighting
He/She would have been fighting
We would have been fighting
You would have been fighting
They would have been fighting

Enchaînons donc sur les exemples au conditionnel :

That coward told me he would fight me !
= conditional simple

I would be her husband if she didn’t love you…
= continuous conditional

You would have fought better under other conditions.
= conditional perfect

If the boxers had been more respectful to each other, they would have been fighting brillantly.
= perfect continuous conditional

La conjugaison de « to fight » à l’impératif

A la forme impérative, « to fight » devient :

  • Fight (lorsque le sujet est « tu » ou « vous »)
  • Let’s fight (lorsque le sujet est « nous »)

La conjugaison de « to fight » au subjonctif

On distingue trois temps possibles au subjonctif, le « present subjunctive », le « past subjunctive » et le « past perfect subjunctive ».

« To fight » au  Present Subjunctive 

I fight
You fight
He/She fight
We fight
You fight
They fight

« To fight » au  Past Subjunctive 

I fought
You fought
He/She fought
We fought
You fought
They fought

« To fight » au  Past Perfect Subjunctive 

I had fought
You had fought
He/She had fought
We had fought
You had fought
They had fought

Il vous reste de l’énergie pour une dernière série ? Concluons ces exercices avec les exemples au subjonctif :

It’s important that you fight him !
= present subjunctive

He looks as if he fought a tiger.
= past subjunctive

We wish you had already fought him.
= past perfect subjunctive

Vous vous sentez d’attaque ? Alors essayez de conjuger le verbe se battre, « to fight », au temps indiqué :

Present simple :

He … against 3 other players
a) fight
b) fights
c) fought

Correct !

Faux !

Future simple :

They … against each other next week
a) would fight
b) will fights
c) will fight

Correct !

Faux !

Past simple :

We … a dragon three days ago.
a) fought
b) would fought
c) have fought

Correct !

Faux !

Present perfect :

You … bravely.
a) have had fight
b) had fight
c) have fought

Correct !

Faux !

Conditional continuous :

I … him right now if you were not here.
a) would be fought
b) would be fighting
c) would fight

Correct !

Faux !

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Verbe « to fight » – Conjugaison et Traduction

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