Progressez plus facilement en anglais grĆ¢ce Ć  une formation ultra-personnalisĆ©e.

Progressez plus facilement en anglais grĆ¢ce Ć  une formation ultra-personnalisĆ©e.

Forme Interrogative en ANGLAIS : le verbe Ā«Ā EATĀ Ā»

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Voici comment conjuguer le verbe Ā«Ā EATĀ Ā» dans sa forme interrogative au prĆ©sent simple : DoĀ IĀ eat ? / DoĀ youĀ eatĀ ? / DoesĀ he/sheĀ eat ? / DoĀ weĀ eat ? / DoĀ youĀ eat ? / DoĀ theyĀ eatĀ ?

logo response and answer

Voici comment conjuguer le verbe Ā«Ā EATĀ Ā» dans sa forme interrogative au prĆ©sent simple : DoĀ IĀ eat ? / DoĀ youĀ eatĀ ? / DoesĀ he/sheĀ eat ? / DoĀ weĀ eat ? / DoĀ youĀ eat ? / DoĀ theyĀ eatĀ ?

Conjuguer un verbe Ć  la forme interrogative peut mettre Ć  mal mĆŖme les apprenants les plus Ć©rudits. La construction de la phrase nā€™est effectivement pas la mĆŖme et plusieurs paramĆØtres sont Ć  prendre en compte.

Ā«Ā To eatĀ Ā» se traduit par le verbe manger en franƧais. Comment le conjugue-t-on Ć  la forme interrogative aux diffĆ©rents tempsĀ ? Cā€™est ce que nous allons dĆ©couvrir sans plus tarderĀ !

Le verbe eat, forme interrogative, Ć  lā€™indicatif

Dans cette section, nous allons dĆ©couvrir la conjugaison de Ā«Ā to eatĀ Ā» au prĆ©sent simple, prĆ©sent continu, prĆ©tĆ©rit simple, prĆ©tĆ©rit continu, au prĆ©sent parfait, prĆ©sent continu, plus-que-parfait, plus-que-parfait continu, au futur, au futur continu, au futur antĆ©rieur et au futur antĆ©rieur continu.

Present simple

Do I eatĀ ?

Do you eatĀ ?

Does he/she eatĀ ?

Do we eatĀ ?

Do you eatĀ ?

Do they eatĀ ?

Present continuous

Am I eatingĀ ?

Are you eatingĀ ?

Is he/she eatingĀ ?

Are we eatingĀ ?

Are you eatingĀ ?

Are they eatingĀ ?

Past simple

Did I eatĀ ?

Did you eatĀ ?

Did he/she eatĀ ?

Did we eat ?

Did you eat ?

Did they eat ?

Past continuous

Was I eating?

Were you eating?

Was he/she eating?

Were we eating?

Were you eating?

Were they eating?

Present perfect

Have I eaten?

Have you eaten?

Has he/she eaten?

Have we eaten?

Have you eaten?

Have they eaten?

Present perfect continuous

Have I been eating?

Have you been eating?

Has he/she been eating?

Have we been eating?

Have you been eating?

Have they been eating?


Had I eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had he/she eaten?

Had we eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had they eaten?


Had I eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had he/she eaten?

Had we eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had they eaten?

Future simple

Will I eat?

Will you eat?

Will he/she eat?

Will we eat?

Will you eat?

Will they eat?

Future continuous

Will I be eating?

Will you be eating?

Will he/she be eating?

Will we be eating?

Will they be eating?

Future perfect simple

Will I have eaten?

Will you have eaten?

Will he/she have eaten?

Will you have eaten?

Will they have eaten?

Future perfect continuous

Will I have been eating?

Will you have been eating?

Will he/she have been eating?

Will we have been eating?

Will you have been eating?

Will they have been eating?

Le verbe Ā«Ā eatĀ Ā», forme interrogative, au conditionnel

Nous dĆ©couvrirons dans cette section la conjugaison de Ā« to eat Ā», au conditionnel prĆ©sent, prĆ©sent continu, passĆ© et passĆ© continu et Ć  la forme interrogative.

Present conditional

Would I eatĀ ?

Would you eatĀ ?

Would he/she eatĀ ?

Would we eatĀ ?

Would you eatĀ ?

Would they eatĀ ?

Present continuous conditional

Would I be eatingĀ ?

Would you be eatingĀ ?

Would he/she be eatingĀ ?

Would we be eating?

Would you be eating?

Would they be eating?

Past conditional

Would I have eaten?

Would you have eaten?

Would he/she have eaten?

Would we have eaten?

Would you have eaten?

Would they have eaten?

Past continuous conditional

Would I have been eating?

Would you have been eating?

Would he/she have been eating?

Would we have been eating?

Would you have been eating?

Would they have been eating?


Conjuguez ces phrases au temps demandƩ.

What ā€¦ā€¦ we ā€¦ā€¦ in the futureĀ ?
will we eat
would we eat
would we have been eating

Correct !

Faux !

ā€¦. you ā€¦ā€¦ when we arrived ?
would you eat
will you eat
would you have eaten

Correct !

Faux !

ā€¦.. they ā€¦. their lunch together with their group on the field outside or in the gymĀ ?
will they eat
will they be eating
would they have been eating

Correct !

Faux !

How many fruits and vegetables ā€¦ā€¦. You ā€¦ā€¦ in the past three montsĀ ?
have you eaten
would you eat
will you eat

Correct !

Faux !

what ā€¦. They ā€¦. In spaceĀ ?
do they eat
will they eat
would they eat

Correct !

Faux !

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Forme Interrogative en ANGLAIS : le verbe Ā«Ā EATĀ Ā»

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Apprenez lā€™anglais avec un formateur professionnel et certifiĆ©. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§

  • Des cours particuliers en visioconfĆ©rence avec un professeur dĆ©diĆ©.

  • Un accĆØs illimitĆ© Ć  une plateforme e-learning moderne et adaptative (niveau, mĆ©tierā€¦).
  • Un programme adaptĆ© Ć  votre profil et Ć  vos disponibilitĆ©s crĆ©Ć© par votre professeur.
  • Composez une formation 100% sur-mesure avec un large choix de modalitĆ©s pĆ©dagogiques.

  • Un coach pĆ©dagogique dĆ©diĆ©, joignable 6j/7 pour vous conseiller et rĆ©pondre Ć  vos questions.
  • Des cours particuliers en visioconfĆ©rence.

  • Une plateforme e-learning moderne et adaptative.
  • Un programme adaptĆ© Ć  votre profil.
  • Concevez votre formation sur-mesure.
  • Un coach pĆ©dagogique dĆ©diĆ©, joignable 6j/7.

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Pourquoi se former avec Clic Campus ?


DĆ©couvrez le Blended learning : alternez entre cours particuliers et travail en autonomie.


Un programme 100% sur-mesure crƩƩ par un formateur professionnel qui vous est dƩdiƩ.


Toutes nos formations sont Ć©ligibles aux financements CPF, PĆ“le Emploi, OPCOs, RĆ©gions, FNEā€¦