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Progressez plus facilement en anglais grâce à une formation ultra-personnalisée.

Forme Interrogative en ANGLAIS : le verbe « EAT »

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Voici comment conjuguer le verbe « EAT » dans sa forme interrogative au présent simple : Do I eat ? / Do you eat ? / Does he/she eat ? / Do we eat ? / Do you eat ? / Do they eat ?

logo response and answer

Voici comment conjuguer le verbe « EAT » dans sa forme interrogative au présent simple : Do I eat ? / Do you eat ? / Does he/she eat ? / Do we eat ? / Do you eat ? / Do they eat ?

Conjuguer un verbe à la forme interrogative peut mettre à mal même les apprenants les plus érudits. La construction de la phrase n’est effectivement pas la même et plusieurs paramètres sont à prendre en compte.

« To eat » se traduit par le verbe manger en français. Comment le conjugue-t-on à la forme interrogative aux différents temps ? C’est ce que nous allons découvrir sans plus tarder !

Le verbe eat, forme interrogative, à l’indicatif

Dans cette section, nous allons découvrir la conjugaison de « to eat » au présent simple, présent continu, prétérit simple, prétérit continu, au présent parfait, présent continu, plus-que-parfait, plus-que-parfait continu, au futur, au futur continu, au futur antérieur et au futur antérieur continu.

Present simple

Do I eat ?

Do you eat ?

Does he/she eat ?

Do we eat ?

Do you eat ?

Do they eat ?

Present continuous

Am I eating ?

Are you eating ?

Is he/she eating ?

Are we eating ?

Are you eating ?

Are they eating ?

Past simple

Did I eat ?

Did you eat ?

Did he/she eat ?

Did we eat ?

Did you eat ?

Did they eat ?

Past continuous

Was I eating?

Were you eating?

Was he/she eating?

Were we eating?

Were you eating?

Were they eating?

Present perfect

Have I eaten?

Have you eaten?

Has he/she eaten?

Have we eaten?

Have you eaten?

Have they eaten?

Present perfect continuous

Have I been eating?

Have you been eating?

Has he/she been eating?

Have we been eating?

Have you been eating?

Have they been eating?


Had I eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had he/she eaten?

Had we eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had they eaten?


Had I eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had he/she eaten?

Had we eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had they eaten?

Future simple

Will I eat?

Will you eat?

Will he/she eat?

Will we eat?

Will you eat?

Will they eat?

Future continuous

Will I be eating?

Will you be eating?

Will he/she be eating?

Will we be eating?

Will they be eating?

Future perfect simple

Will I have eaten?

Will you have eaten?

Will he/she have eaten?

Will you have eaten?

Will they have eaten?

Future perfect continuous

Will I have been eating?

Will you have been eating?

Will he/she have been eating?

Will we have been eating?

Will you have been eating?

Will they have been eating?

Le verbe « eat », forme interrogative, au conditionnel

Nous découvrirons dans cette section la conjugaison de « to eat », au conditionnel présent, présent continu, passé et passé continu et à la forme interrogative.

Present conditional

Would I eat ?

Would you eat ?

Would he/she eat ?

Would we eat ?

Would you eat ?

Would they eat ?

Present continuous conditional

Would I be eating ?

Would you be eating ?

Would he/she be eating ?

Would we be eating?

Would you be eating?

Would they be eating?

Past conditional

Would I have eaten?

Would you have eaten?

Would he/she have eaten?

Would we have eaten?

Would you have eaten?

Would they have eaten?

Past continuous conditional

Would I have been eating?

Would you have been eating?

Would he/she have been eating?

Would we have been eating?

Would you have been eating?

Would they have been eating?


Conjuguez ces phrases au temps demandé.

What …… we …… in the future ?
will we eat
would we eat
would we have been eating

Correct !

Faux !

…. you …… when we arrived ?
would you eat
will you eat
would you have eaten

Correct !

Faux !

….. they …. their lunch together with their group on the field outside or in the gym ?
will they eat
will they be eating
would they have been eating

Correct !

Faux !

How many fruits and vegetables ……. You …… in the past three monts ?
have you eaten
would you eat
will you eat

Correct !

Faux !

what …. They …. In space ?
do they eat
will they eat
would they eat

Correct !

Faux !

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Forme Interrogative en ANGLAIS : le verbe « EAT »

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