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Progressez plus facilement en anglais grâce à une formation ultra-personnalisée.

Verbe « Born » en Anglais – Conjugaison et Traduction

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Voici comment conjuguer le verbe born au présent : I born / You born / He – She – It borns / We born / You born / They born.

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Voici comment conjuguer le verbe born au présent : I born / You born / He – She – It borns / We born / You born / They born.

Vous l’avez peut être vu dans une formation anglais professionnel , mais le verbe « to born », que l’on traduit généralement par naître en français, fait partie des verbes que l’on rencontre souvent dans la langue anglaise que cela soit à l’orale ou à l’écrit. Découvrons la conjugaison de ce verbe à l’indicatif, au conditionnel et à l’impératif.

Conjuguer « to born » à l’indicatif

Dans cette section, nous allons découvrir la conjugaison de « born » au présent, au passé et future.

To born au Présent

Comment conjuguer « to born » au present simple, au present continuous, au present perfect et au present perfect continuous ?

To born au Present Simple

I born
You born
He/She/It borns
We born
You born
They born

To born au Present continuous

I am borning
You are borning
He/She/It is borning
We are borning
You are borning
They are borning

To born au Present perfect

I have borned
You have borned
He/She/It has borned
We have borned
You have borned
They have borned

To born au Present perfect continuous

I have been borning
You have been borning
He/She/It has been borning
We have been borning
You have been borning
They have been borning

To born au Passé

Apprenons la conjugaison de « to born » au past simple, au past continuous, au past perfect et au past perfect continuous.

To born au past simple

I borned
You borned
He/She/It borned
We borned
You borned
They borned

To born au past continuous

I was borning
You were borning
He/She/It was borning
We were borning
You were borning
They were borning

To born au past perfect

I had borned
You had borned
He/She/It had borned
We had borned
You had borned
They had borned

To born au past perfect continuous

I had been borning
You had been borning
He/She/It had been borning
We had been borning
You had been borning
They had been borning

To born au Futur

Quelle forme prend « to born » quand on le conjugue au future simple, future perfect, future continuous et future perfect continuous ?

To born au future simple

I will born
You will born
He/She/It will born
We will born
You will born
They will born

To born au future perfect

I will have borned
You will have borned
He/She/It will have borned
We will have borned
You will have borned
They will have borned

To born au future continuous

I will be borning
You will be borning
He/She/It will be borning
We will be borning
You will be borning
They will be borning

To born au future perfect continuous

I will have been borning
You will have been borning
He/She/It will have been borning
We will have been borning
You will have been borning
They will have been borning

Conjuguer « to born » au conditionnel

Dans cette section, nous allons découvrir la conjugaison de « born » au présent, au présent continu, au passé et au passé continu du conditionnel.

To born au conditionnel présent

I would born
You would born
He/She/It would born
We would born
You would born
They would born

To born au présent continu

I would be borning
You would be borning
He/She/It would be borning
We would be borning
You would be borning
They would be borning

To born au conditionnel passé

I would have borned
You would have borned
He/She/It would have borned
We would have borned
You would have borned
They would have borned

To born au passé continu

I would have been borning
You would have been borning
He/She/It would have been borning
We would have been borning
You would have been borning
They would have been borning

Le Ngram ci-dessous représente l’évolution du verbe « Born » au fil des années.

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